• Absolute Hyperlinks: These are links that link to a 3rd party, or external web site, which is outside of the current website. They include:
    • http (hypertext transfer protocol)
    • URL (Uniform Resource Locator), or address of the web page
    • <a href="http://www.newutrechthighschoolnyc.com">New Utrecht High School</a>
  • Relative Hyperlink: It is a link the references files or web pages that are within a website.
    • <a href="contact.html">Contact</a>
    • <a href="hyperlinks.php">Hyperlinks (Absolute and Relative links)</a>
  • Place holder links: These are used to create a clickable text or image, without linking to any page or file.These are used as temporary placeholders.
    • A "#" is used as a placeholder link
    • <a href="#"> Click Here </a>