• Phrase Elements (Logical Style Elements)
    • They indicate the meaning and context of the text
    • Below is a list of tags we will use in class
      • Click here to view instructions on inserting tags with the Dreamweaver options.
Phrase Elements
Element tags Example Usage
<abbr></abbr> NUHS It identifies the text as an abbreviation. Use the title attribute to show the full name
<abbr title="New Utrecht High School">NUHS</abbr>
<b> </b> bold text It makes the text bold with no extra importance.
<b>bold</b> text
<strong> </strong> strong text It is similar to the <b> tag, but it shows more importance.
<strong>strong</strong> text
<cite> </cite> citation text The text is identified as a reference or a citation. It is displayed with italics.
This is an example of a <cite>citation</cite>
<em> </em> emphasized text The text is displayed with italics to show emphasis in relation to other text.
<em>emphasized</em> text
<i> </i> italicized text This text displays with italics with no extra importance.
<i>italicized</i> text
<mark> </mark> mark text The text is highlighted with the default yellow color.
<mark> mark</mark> text
<code> </code> code text

This tag formats the text as code.

Example –> text-align: center;

<code>code</code> text

<sub> </sub> sub text This is the subscript tag. It displays as small text and places it below the baseline
<sub>sub</sub> text
<sup> </sup> sup text This is the superscript tag. It displays as small text and above the baseline.
<sup>sub</sup> text
<var> </var> var text This tag displays the text as a variable or program output in italics.
<var>var</var> text