New Utrecht High School
Rules & Requirements
Rules & Requirements
The Difference between a web page and a website
Web Page:
It is is a single file that displays text, images, video/media, and forms by using using HTML tags, CSS, and/or Javascript.
The web page uses the extension
(example: index.html)
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
It is programming language that is used to define common elements in the web page, such as paragraphs, headings, and lists.
The following images shows the basic structure of HTML tags that formats a web page.
In this example, it only contains
HTML tags
. We will learn how to insert CSS into the file
figure 1. HTML tag structure
It consists of either a single web page or a collection of related web pages.
The illustration below shows the files and folder structure of a business website, "The Mark of Excellence"
All of the pages are related to the website's products and services.
figure 2. Folder and File structure of a website