• Web Page:

    It is is a single file that displays text, images, video/media, and forms by using using HTML tags, CSS, and/or Javascript.
  • The web page uses the extension .html (example: index.html)
  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
    • It is programming language that is used to define common elements in the web page, such as paragraphs, headings, and lists.
  • The following images shows the basic structure of HTML tags that formats a web page.
    • In this example, it only contains HTML tags. We will learn how to insert CSS into the file
html basics
figure 1. HTML tag structure

  • Website:

    It consists of either a single web page or a collection of related web pages.
  • The illustration below shows the files and folder structure of a business website, "The Mark of Excellence"
  • All of the pages are related to the website's products and services.
figure 2. Folder and File structure of a website