What is HTML?

  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
    • It is a set markup symbols or codes that are placed in a file to display content on a web page.
      • Placement of these symbols determines how the web page will display on the browser.
    • Hypertext : It refers to text that contains links to other web pages or files.
    • HTML displays paragraphs, headings, lists, titles, and tables
    • HTML also displays various media formats, which inlcudes images, video, and audio
    • Since the invention of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners- Lee in 1989, there has been several versions of HTML over the years. New features and enhancements have been added to each new version.

  • HTML5
    • It is the successor to HTML4
    • It contains new elements, tags, and other features that enhances the functionality of the web site.
    • Canvas is one its major features in incorporating interactiving and 3D rendering